Locksmith Redmond Washington
148th Ave NE ,
Redmond , WA 4034
All days 05:00 Am : 12:00 Am
If your business is located in Redmond WA, you might want to save our phone number 425-610-7532 to your business contacts list. That way for those times that an employee makes you need an asap locksmith you just give us a call and we fix that up for you right away.
As we have a very well trained staff that is available on call 24 hours a day, every single day of the year including all of the holidays.
So no matter when or what time it is, we are here to help you and your business. By providing locksmith 24 hour service to all businesses in the whole city of Redmond WA.
There are plenty reasons that can cause your business to need an asap locksmith 24 hour service. Your employee might have locked himself out of a desk drawer, an office, a business car or a building by losing the keys. And you need a locksmith 24 hour service that can make keys on the spot, like us.
That way the process of getting your employee access to the locked area is much simpler and convenient for you. As we can make the keys wherever your business (or employee) is locked out of by sending our asap locksmith to your business anytime of the day or night and make keys there.
Every single one of our locksmith 24 hour experts can inspect, repair or replace any type of door lock for your business.
From security key locks, standard locks, keypad locks, you name it we can repair, replace or install any amount of door and or security locks your business needs.
And on top of door lock repair we can also upgrade and perform deadbolt installation for your business. With the widest variety of commercial locks available. We can upgrade and provide a more secure deadbolt installation for your business.
Having working commercial locks is the difference between your business being protected, or your business property becoming a free for all without any type of protection. And to be quite honest we would rather your business be fully protected and will work hard at making that happen for you.
So give us a call to 425-610-7532 for whichever type of locksmith 24 hour service you need, from having us make keys for you. Do a deadbolt installation, repair your security key lock, install any type of commercial locks or anything else you need.